The Process...

In the Beginning...
Generally, John's sculpted works are all made the same way.  He starts by building an armature for the chosen design.  Oil based clay is then used to sculpt the piece into the armature.  

The Mold...
After all detailing is completed, John creates a mold or "negative" of his work using a brushed-on silicon.  Support walls are created to provide extra reinforcement. 

The Casting...
Once the silicon and walls have solidified, the clay and armature are removed from the mold.  The mold is then filled with a resin/resin combination.  

Final steps usually include removing the cast piece from the mold, dremeling off any excess,  filling any air pockets, painting the piece with primer, hand painting with acrylic paints, sealing with clear gloss and finally mounting he piece on a platform.